
There’s a team of five who work at The App Designer, all with a host of different skills. With the weather outside grey I decided to take our team to Barcelona for a reflection of our first six months of business along with cementing a plan for the next two years many many drinks. Well, that was the plan.

A day before departing we were called by MTG – a company who specialise in content acquisition for TV shows around Europe. They’ve since rebranded as Viasat World. They had a huge promotion planned for their May schedule – celebrating the life of David Attenborough – and would like us to build the main site.

I didn’t care where we were going – we had to do this one!

In total we designed one mainframe then translated into seven languages for all their territories. Between us, we have quite a few expertise but none of them are in speaking Polish, Bulgarian or Romanian. But we successfully pulled off our quickest turn around yet whilst enjoying the Barcelona sun.

It’s a site we’re really pleased with. Photography can make or break a website and having the David Attenborough assets at our perils made this a dream creation. You can simply let the photos do the talking whilst users seamlessly navigate around their favourite Attenborough shows.

The sites are now live and you can have a look here.


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